b/cs restaurants

New! (12/4/2001) I've added a restaurant submisison form, so you can see the sort of thing I'm looking for in the entries.

I originally created this page as an aid for AggieCon attendees, but moved it to the server I have my home page on.

Restaurants in B/CS tend to flare briefly and die in the night, like the Anglo-Saxon parable of life being a moment of warmth and light in the flight of a sparrow through a room. Which means it might be a good idea to ask around or to phone up your choice and see if they're still in business, and to have a backup plan or two in mind in case the sparrow has flown.

Crowds and parking around town:
AggieCon (late March): If you want to eat in Northgate (the area just north of campus along University Drive), you should walk. Parking is hard to come by on a regular basis, and with the music festival North by Northgate going on AggieCon weekend, it will be miraculous if you find any.
Football weekends: Forget it. No parking in Northgate or anywhere nearby. All restaurants in town will be packed. If you wish to have a leisurely dining experience, go out while the game is on, or eat in.
Christmas break: Many local restaurants close during the Christmas break[which is ANNOYING if that's when your BIRTHDAY is and you want to go out for something nice ON your birthday...er, excuse me.], so if it's late December, phoning them to ask if they're open might be in order.
Other times: Northgate tends to be packed with Aggies on Friday and Saturday nights. If you want to park anywhere in Northgate on weekend evenings when school is in session, including the new parking garage (which taks cash only and is, er ... $ 1.00/hour? I'm not sure), get there early.

If you'd like to submit an entry for the guide, please follow the general format of the entries here . E-mail it to me at schilling@cepheid.org or use the restaurant submisison form.

On to the restaurants:


A category for general-American-food places, and for places that I haven't gotten around to assigning their own category.


Asian and Indian food is one of those categories where restaurants blossom and die quickly in BCS. I hear that the owners of The Clay Oven, which closed a while back, have opened up another restaurant which I hope to try soon, and there's a sign advertising a Vietnamese Beef Noodle shop in a storefront that's being built in the new Ross/Hobby Lobby center which I'm lookng forward to visiting.


Tom's BBQ, you are missed!


Two Cajun places in town, both in the same parking lot. What are the odds?

    Alicia's - Northgate (updated 11/27/2001)
    Hebert's - Northgate (added 11/27/2001)

fine dining:

Now that the Texan --a B/CS staple for the longest time -- closed down, there's not too many more places to go if you want to impress a date. I hope to get a Black Forest Inn entry here soon, but I haven't been there in quite a while so can't do it myself.


An unusual genre for Bryan-College Station, but hey.

    Mariya's - College Station (updated 12/6/2001)


Ah, Italian food, a perennial favorite. What else is there to say?

tamu campus:

If you're stuck on campus, or just don't feel like going anywhere else, here's your choices.


This question has nothing to do with B/CS, but after spending my undergraduate years in San Antonio, I've always wondered this : why, in a city full of good, cheap Mexican and Tex-Mex, does Taco Bell still thrive in San Antonio? The mind boggles.

Other useful links:

* On-Campus Dining Facilities
* Mike's Food Delivery Page
* The Bryan-College Station Eagle's Dining Guide

* Go to File 14 main page
* Contact me

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